Stimulsoft Dashboards.BLAZOR released

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Stimulsoft Dashboards.BLAZOR released

Post by markusnest »

Stimulsoft Dashboards.BLAZOR is a data analytics tool for creating, editing, viewing, and exporting dashboards in Blazor applications. Our product works on the server and client sides. You may integrate it quickly into any web project, and it allows you to present and analyze data from many sources. In addition, it contains a set of tools for creating dashboards.

Features of data analytics tools for Blazor

Our dashboard generator is a product for app developers on the Blazor platform. It uses libraries of the .NET framework for work on the server-side and the client-side using WebAssembly.

Blazor Server
Dashboard creation using the Blazor Server technology is carried out on the logic of any client-server application: processing, filtering, and grouping of data are carried out on the server-side, and work with the visual part is carried out in a browser. It allows you to work with the Stimulsoft tool in any modern browser and device, regardless of its size.

Blazor WebAssembly
Rendering projects using the WebAssembly technology involves loading compiled .NET assemblies. At the same time, the main operations are carried out using the Razor technology and a programming code written in C#. The Stimulsoft Dashboards.BLAZOR product for visualization and data analytics can be integrated into any browser that supports WebAssembly.

Dashboard viewer

Visualization of existing data is perhaps crucial stage in creating dashboards. To do this, you should use a special component for viewing dashboards - the interactive viewer. When developing the viewer we took into account all necessary requirements for software to work with displaying data in a convenient and readable view. That's why our viewer of dashboards is fully customizable, rapid, and comfortable in work and contains a wide set of functional features. For full integration into projects, we offer many design themes and options to customize the appearance and functionality of an application.

Key features of the viewer
Our data analytics tool for the Blazor platform includes a full-featured dashboard viewer. The component supports interactivity, full-screen viewing of the entire dashboard or its elements, and export of report files to various formats.

Automatic adaptation of interface to any screen size. Viewer adjusts to the device on which it is opened. It can be a widescreen monitor or a mobile phone.

Multi-level drill down of selected elements of a dashboard. The support of drill down is the display of additional information when selecting an element.

Interface localization in more than 40 languages. Just select the localization you need from the list in the designer or specify it using the option. It will help you to overcome the language barrier.

Flexible customization of controls. The viewer supports the ability to display the controls that are needed for work with a dashboard.

Visual filters and sorting data. Data in a dashboard can be filtered and sorted using visual tools of the viewer. Thus, you can easily display only necessary data and preliminarily analyze indicators.

The mobile mode of design and dashboard viewing. The function of creating design specially for mobile devices to display a rendered dashboard correctly on any device is available in our product.


Stimulsoft data analytics tool is used to create, edit and publish dashboards in Blazor applications. To make the product work, special scripts and components are provided to deploy and embed Stimulsoft Dashboards.BLAZOR.

Blazor Server

Web Assembly

To integrate dashboards into Blazor projects quickly and comfortably, we created the Publish Wizard. It is a set of particular functionality that simplifies the process of integration and publishing dashboards, and it’s available both in online and desktop versions of the report designer. When publishing a dashboard, you can select a platform and a framework for deployment, define where a dashboard will be loaded, what you should make with it, and include a license key, localization, and interface theme in the integration.

Go to NuGet repository

To integrate the Stimulsoft Dashboards.BLAZOR product, you need a developer package that you can install from the NuGet repository or download from our website. No additional modules and special extensions are required. You should just include the necessary libraries.

Source Code

Source code is available for all Stimulsoft products, including Stimulsoft Dashboards.BLAZOR. Source code of a product allows you to both fully customize your application and add new functional features to it. We use unified builds for reports and dashboards, and the source code is supplied for the files specified in the license agreement in the Redistributributables section.

Part of Stimulsoft Dashboards.WEB

A data analytics software for Blazor is a part of the Stimulsoft Dashboards.WEB product, a tool for creating dashboards for the following platforms - ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, .NET Core. The product includes all you need to work with dashboards in a web browser.
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