Blazor viewer

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Blazor viewer

Post by dikan »

I need to show a report (let say from list of orders) and return to this very same list, that's the way I used StimulSoft reports in the WinForms environment. Is it possible to do that in the Blazor application?
I manage to display the report and close it only if I use the report viewer inside the dialog. This is not looking good, much better is when I open a report with "NavigateTo" but then I am not able to close the report and see the same table from what I called viewer.

Thanks in advance.
Max Shamanov
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by Max Shamanov »


Sorry, maybe we did not exactly understand your question. Could you explain your issue in more detail?

Thank you.
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by dikan »

Well, let's say the following scenario is in question. The user examines the purchase order table and wants to print certain items according to criteria known to him. If a standard printout is done in the Blazor application, a very nice report view of the requested printout will be opened in the basic window, then the user has to return to the purchase order table in a menu, usually through the NavBar, and restart the search that he already used in the previous view to the order table. After several repetitions, the user's comment is that the process of flipping and printing is not efficient enough and that it consumes a lot of time for this job.
I hope this explains enough what the problem is related to this way of working. If I create a report that appears in Dialog, then the user does not have to bother with unnecessary actions and everything takes place much more efficiently, but the appearance of that review is not even similar to the one displayed in the process without Dialog.
My question is if there is a possibility to make this functionality (let's call it PopUp report preview) at StimulSoft level - and with that they would certainly standardize us and certainly create more beautiful and functional report views than we are able to do now
Max Shamanov
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by Max Shamanov »


Sorry for the delay with an answer.
We need more time to prepare an answer for you.
We will let you know when we get any results.

Thank you.
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by dikan »

Max, any news?
Max Shamanov
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by Max Shamanov »


If we understood you correctly you have a list of reports and instead of opening the report in the current window you want to open it in a new window?
As an option you can make a viewer in a separate window and open the selected report in it.

If we have misunderstood you, send us a simple project that shows the problem.

Thank you.
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by dikan »

Well obviously I was not clear.

Scenario is like this:

User browses a table of their documents and while he/she browses he/she would like to print some of the document from that table. He/she is not browsing reports but the data table in his application with for example is table of invoices. The problem is when he/she try to print from this table Blazor NavigationManager sends him to report the viewer. When he/she returns to the very same table, position in that table is like it is first time opened and the searching process needs to start from the beginning and the user needs more time to accomplish their task especially if he has a dozen or more documents to print.

Please do not waste your time or my time to let a few weeks later tell me that I was not clear enough.
Max Shamanov
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by Max Shamanov »


It is difficult to say what is going wrong without a project.
Please send us a sample project which reproduces the issue.

Thank you.
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by dikan »

Ok. I prepared a project with blazor server, free open source Radzen components  and SQLite.

Set appsettings.json according to your environment path, update nuget packages and run applications.
Open "Orders" and select 2nd order by click on it. When you select an order you will see two buttons involving printing. One with dialog, as my solution to the problem and second classic where the program navigates to the same report viewer.
When you display report from dialog it is enough to press ESC in reportviewer and you are on the same page where you hit the button for printing and may continue with your task but if you print report from button with classic navigate option, you have to navigate to "Orders" from the start and imagine that you have several dozens or several hundred of orders how tedious work it is to print next order that you need.

My solution is way better for my users but it is still not a good experience. During print preview there is an unnecessary window and it is not what your most fabulous tool deserves. There is no Exit button so user have to remember to press ESC to exit the report viewer...

As they say that one picture is worth more than a thousand words I hope that one project is worth more than a picture.
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Max Shamanov
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Re: Blazor viewer

Post by Max Shamanov »


We need some additional time to investigate the issue, we will let you know about the result.

Thank you.
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