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Second page of DataSource is blank

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:54 pm
by gabrielw3n

I'm using Stimulsoft JS and I have a DataSource called 'dsSection'

Inside this DataSource there is a subreport.

Inside the subreport there is another DataSource called 'dsExams' which I'm showing the exams.

Let's say the 'dsSection' Datasource is returning two lines.

For each one of these lines I'm iterating over the 'dsExams' and showing them, so it should create two pages, one for each line of the dsSection.

What's happening is: the first page is being created and the second page is blank.

How can I fix it?

Re: Second page of DataSource is blank

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 4:58 pm
by Alex K.

Please send us a sample report with test data which reproduces the issue for analysis.

Thank you.