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Best practices

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:19 pm
by djjoyro

We are planing to use Stimulsoft Reports.JS in some of our web applications.
We have a version for Stimulsoft Reports.WPF which was a great tool.

Our web applications can run on different servers (some of them local servers in different companies)

I have done a few tests with Reports.JS and I don't know which would be the best architecture. Reports aree viewed in most cases on the client side, and the server doesn't need to save them every time. In some cases the reports must be saved on the server side...
1. Render reports on server side using node.js
* The problem is that when I pass to the client a rendered report using saveDocumentToJsonString() I send about 5 MB instead of 200KB (+ .mrt size) if I send only the data and render everything on the client side. Is there a better way to send the rendered report in a different format which has a smaller size ?
2. Render reports on the client side using javascript
* I send the data to render the report, report is rendered on the client side. When I need to save the rendered report on the server I must send the report back using saveDocumentToJsonString() ? or is there a better way ?
3. Or maybe it's better to render the report where I need it ?

Thank you. Any ideea is appreciated.

Re: Best practices

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:24 pm
by Lech Kulikowski

By the performance or speed, if reports are not needed to render each time - the best way is to render once on the server, save it as rendered document and then send on the client rendered document in the viewer.

Thank you.