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template in an accounting program

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 9:59 pm
by alawrak
I need help with a print template in an accounting program. The manufacturer provides basic forms, and if we want to change something, we have to change it ourselves. I have never dealt with Stimulsoft before. The attachments show what the program is like and what variables and constants I can choose from.

I would like to have a line after each line summarizing the above white lines as in the picture.

Instead of 1/2024, I would like the name of the month to be e.g. January.
The last thing I would like to change here is that when the value is "0.00" the field will be empty.

I have a .npt template file but I can't add it.

If I am in the wrong section, please move to the appropriate one.
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Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:09 am
by Lech Kulikowski

> I would like to have a line after each line summarizing the above white lines as in the picture.

You can use the SumRunnning() function.

> Instead of 1/2024, I would like the name of the month to be e.g. January.

Try to use the MonthIdent function.

> The last thing I would like to change here is that when the value is "0.00" the field will be empty.

Try to set the HideZeros property.

Thank you.

Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:09 pm
by alawrak
Lech are u from Poland and can we contact in polish lang ?

Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:26 pm
by Lech Kulikowski
Dzień dobry,

No własnie możemy rozmawiać po polsku, ale proszę zwrócić uwagę, że to jest forum angielski)

Lech Kulikowski.

Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 7:39 pm
by alawrak
Dzień Dobry,
Tak wiem, a czy jest możliwy kontakt mailowy lub telefoniczny, bo widzę, że jest Pan ekspertem w tych sprawach, a producent oprogramowania odsyła do instrukcji Stimsulsoft, albo serwisu ale serwis też za bardzo nie chce pomóc. Wydruki są tutaj tragiczne jak sprzed dekady. Jeżeli kontakt na forum to będziemy kontynuować tutaj, może być wtedy po ang. Jak do tej pory nie potrzebowałem programowania, muszę zobaczyć jak to ugryźć i resztę powinien rozpracować. Ale nie wiem czy sam program księgowy nie ma jakiś ograniczeń.

W razie kontaktu

When i what sumabove what it should be for example cell value
but when i want use it "Error!The name 'SumRunning' does not exist in the current context"

The same situation with

Probably i do something wrong.

Now i see that is HideZeros property, when its ON blank cell is perfect :) But for now how make sum above?

Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:58 pm
by Lech Kulikowski

> but when i want use it "Error!The name 'SumRunning' does not exist in the current context"

Should be:
{SumRunning(DataBandName, DataSourceName.ColumnsName)}

> The same situation with {MonthIdent(Dokument.MiesiacKwartal)}

What is the type of the MiesiacKwartal column?
Also, please clarify which version are you use? File - About.

Thank you.

Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:58 pm
by alawrak
The version of Stimulsoft that comes with the accounting software is Stimulsoft Reports Ver 2018.2.3 from 06.07.2018, WPF (Rev 1)
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reports optio.jpg
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Additionally, the settings in the program are included in the attachment. I didn't change anything, it's standard and, a link to the KPiR.mrt file

Thanks to your example, I noticed where I was making a mistake. Once the correct premium is applied, the summation works

Code: Select all

{SumRunning(_Podsumowanie_Zapisów_W_KPiR__Dane, Dokument.PrzychodSprzedazTowarowIUslug)}
But I can't figure out the name of the month.

Code: Select all

formula displays the current month correctly as text.
I tried

Code: Select all

 {MonthIdent(_Summowanie_Zapisów_W_KPiR__Dane, Document.MiesiacKwartal)}
but it gives an error that Monthldent does not exist in the context. I also tried something similar, but it didn't work.

Code: Select all

So far, I managed to get practically what I wanted there.

What should the code look like if I wanted to use a math function and wanted to get the sum result of each row from columns 9-10-11-14.
I tried that but I'm not doing something wrong

Code: Select all

{Dokument.Przychod - Dokument.ZakupyTowarow - Dokument.KosztyUboczneZakupow - Dokument.Wydatki}
and how to make this result cumulatively like the others.

I don't know why the line appears in the display incrementally, it is not there in the preview, but it eventually appears. Does the line have to be there if there is also a line above it?

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Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:47 pm
by Lech Kulikowski

Most probably, in your version (old version), the MonthIdent function is not available.

> I don't know why the line appears in the display incrementally, it is not there in the preview, but it eventually appears. Does the line have to be there if there is also a line above it?

Please send us your report with test data for analysis.

Thank you.

Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:55 pm
by alawrak
Lech Kulikowski wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:47 pm Please send us your report with test data for analysis.
Are the files I sent enough? *.MRT and *.MDC ?

What should the code look like if I wanted to use a math function and wanted to get the sum result of each row from columns 9-10-11-14.

9 = _Podsumowanie_Zapisów_W_KPiR__Dane, Dokument.Przychod
10 = _Podsumowanie_Zapisów_W_KPiR__Dane, Dokument.ZakupyTowarow
11 = _Podsumowanie_Zapisów_W_KPiR__Dane, Dokument.KosztyUboczneZakupow
14 = _Podsumowanie_Zapisów_W_KPiR__Dane, Dokument.Wydatki

I tried that but I'm not doing something wrong

Code: Select all

{Dokument.Przychod - Dokument.ZakupyTowarow - Dokument.KosztyUboczneZakupow - Dokument.Wydatki}
and how to make this result cumulatively like the others.

Re: template in an accounting program

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:10 am
by Lech Kulikowski

> I tried that but I'm not doing something wrong

It should work.
But in your expression are used variables, not columns from the data source.

Also, from 2018.x. version were made a lot of fixes, improvements and optimizations with working with business objects.

Thank you.