Change decimals to fractions

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Change decimals to fractions

Post by vance.taylor »

I'm trying to write a code to change all data brought in with decimal places to fractions e.g. 20.375 to 20 3/8. I'm using C# I tried this code below but it's not taking it. I'm new to C# so I'm using ChatGPT to assist me but it's giving me code that isn't being accepted by the designer application.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using Stimulsoft.Controls;
using Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing;
using Stimulsoft.Report;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Dialogs;
using Stimulsoft.Report.Components;
using System.Reflection; // Needed for GetMethod

namespace Reports
public class Cut_List_250120_105534 : Stimulsoft.Report.StiReport
public Cut_List_250120_105534()

// Registering the method GetFractionFromDecimal for use in report expressions
this.Dictionary.Variables.Add(new Stimulsoft.Report.Dictionary.StiVariable(
typeof(Cut_List_250120_105534).GetMethod("GetFractionFromDecimal", new[] { typeof(double) })));

#region StiReport Designer generated code - do not modify
// Report components go here
#endregion StiReport Designer generated code - do not modify

// Method to calculate GCD (Greatest Common Divisor)
private int GCD(int a, int b)
while (b > 0) // Using > instead of != for comparison
int temp = b;
b = a % b;
a = temp;
return a;

// Method to convert decimal to a simplified fraction
public string DecimalToFraction(double value)
// Tolerance to determine the precision of the fraction
double tolerance = 0.0000001;
int denominator = 1;

// Find the nearest fraction by increasing the denominator until the value is accurate
while (Math.Abs(value - Math.Round(value * denominator) / denominator) > tolerance)
denominator = denominator * 10; // Replacing shorthand *= with full multiplication

// Calculate the numerator
int numerator = (int)(value * denominator);

// Simplify the fraction by finding the GCD and dividing both numerator and denominator by it
int gcd = GCD(numerator, denominator);
numerator = numerator / gcd; // Replacing shorthand /= with full division
denominator = denominator / gcd;

// If the fraction has no fractional part, return only the whole part
int wholePart = numerator / denominator;
int fractionalNumerator = numerator % denominator;

// Use == to check if the fractional part is 0 (no remainder)
if (fractionalNumerator == 0)
return wholePart.ToString();
return wholePart + " " + fractionalNumerator + "/" + denominator;

// This method will be called from expressions in the report to convert decimals to fractions
public string GetFractionFromDecimal(double decimalValue)
return DecimalToFraction(decimalValue);
Screenshot 2025-01-20 153548.jpg
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Lech Kulikowski
Posts: 7018
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:34 am

Re: Change decimals to fractions

Post by Lech Kulikowski »


What product and version are you use? Any code in the report will work only in the Compilation mode (CalculationMode property).

Thank you.
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