In .net core, how to load an MRT file with Postgre and several relations?

Stimulsoft Reports.NET discussion
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Fabrice B
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:54 am

In .net core, how to load an MRT file with Postgre and several relations?

Post by Fabrice B »

Hi !

In .net core, I want to generate a report connected to PostgresSQL and having multiple relationships.
I also want to pass a variable in the report.

I created report file on Stimulsoft saved in MRT file.

From the web, I want to generate the report by passing a parameter.
I developed code C# to define connection, database, variables and dataRelations. But I have errors when running the code:
- Without relations, I have no data in the generated report,
- With relations, I have missing columns errors.

I don't know why nothing works.
I'm looking for a complete example with PostgresSql and several relationships and variables.

Please :cry:
Help me!
Lech Kulikowski
Posts: 6254
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:34 am

Re: In .net core, how to load an MRT file with Postgre and several relations?

Post by Lech Kulikowski »


Please send us a sample project that reproduces the issue for analysis.

Thank you.
Fabrice B
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:54 am

Re: In .net core, how to load an MRT file with Postgre and several relations?

Post by Fabrice B »


This is the code ...

private readonly string licenseKey = "6vJh...";
private readonly IConnectionStringBuilder _connectionStringBuilder;
public List<TableColumns> TableColumns { get; set; }
public List<TableContraint> TableContraints { get; set; }

public HandleAndExportService(IConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder)
this._connectionStringBuilder = connectionStringBuilder;

this.TableColumns = GetAllColumns(this._connectionStringBuilder.GetApplicationConnectionString());
this.TableContraints = GetAllConstraints(this._connectionStringBuilder.GetApplicationConnectionString());

public StiReport GetReport(StiReportDocumentDefinitionDto definitionDto)
// initialize report
StiReport stiReport = new StiReport();
stiReport.RetrieveOnlyUsedData = true;
stiReport.IsRendered = false;

// initialize connection
var databaseName = $"dag_app_{definitionDto.Application.Id}";
var connectionString = this._connectionStringBuilder.GetApplicationConnectionString();
stiReport.Dictionary.Databases.Add(new StiPostgreSQLDatabase(databaseName, connectionString));

// initialize variables
if (Enumerable.Any(stiReport.Dictionary.Variables.ToList()))
foreach (StiVariable stiVariable in stiReport.Dictionary.Variables)
stiVariable.Value = definitionDto.ReportVariables.First(r => r.Name == stiVariable.Name)?.Value;

// fill all entity objects
stiReport.Dictionary.DataSources.ToList().ForEach(datasource =>
var stiDatasource = ((StiSqlSource)datasource);
stiDatasource.SqlCommand = $"SELECT * FROM public.\"{stiDatasource.Name.ToLower()}\"";
stiDatasource.Columns = new StiDataColumnsCollection(GetStiDataColumns(datasource));
stiDatasource.CommandTimeout = 60;


// fill all relation objects
stiReport.Dictionary.Relations.ToList().ForEach(relation =>
var stiParentDatasource = ((StiSqlSource)relation.ParentSource);
stiParentDatasource.SqlCommand = $"SELECT * FROM public.\"{stiParentDatasource.Name.ToLower()}\"";
stiParentDatasource.Columns = new StiDataColumnsCollection(GetStiDataColumns(relation.ParentSource));
stiParentDatasource.CommandTimeout = 60;

var stiChildDatasource = ((StiSqlSource)relation.ChildSource);
stiChildDatasource.SqlCommand = $"SELECT * FROM public.\"{stiChildDatasource.Name.ToLower()}\"";
stiParentDatasource.Columns = new StiDataColumnsCollection(GetStiDataColumns(relation.ChildSource));
stiChildDatasource.CommandTimeout = 60;

SetJointureColumnCollection(relation, stiParentDatasource, stiChildDatasource);





MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
if (generateReportSettings != null && exportType == ExportType.Csv)
StiExportSettings settings = new StiDataExportSettings()
SkipColumnHeaders = generateReportSettings.SkipColumnHeaders
stiReport.ExportDocument(GetStiExportFormat(exportType), stream, settings);
stiReport.ExportDocument(GetStiExportFormat(exportType), stream);

return new GeneratedReportDto()
ExportType = ExportType.Pdf,
File = stream.ToArray(),
MimeType = GetMimeTypeByExportType(ExportType.Pdf)

private List<StiDataColumn> GetStiDataColumns(StiDataSource datasource)
return this.TableColumns
.Where(s => s.TableName == datasource.Name.ToLower())
.Select(s => new StiDataColumn() { Alias = s.ColumnName, Name = s.ColumnName, Type = s.DataType })

private void SetJointureColumnCollection(StiDataRelation relation, StiDataSource parentDatasource, StiDataSource childDatasource)
var results = this.TableContraints
.Where(s => s.ForeignKeyTableName == childDatasource.Name.ToLower() && s.ForeignKeyTableName == parentDatasource.Name.ToLower())
.Select(s => s)
relation.ParentColumns = results.Select(s => s.PrimaryKeyColumnName).ToArray();
relation.ChildColumns = results.Select(s => s.ForeignKeyColumnName).ToArray();

private static List<TableColumns> GetAllColumns(string connectionString)
var query = "SELECT table_name, column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS";

var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString));
var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
var tableColumns = new List<TableColumns>();
while (rdr.Read())
tableColumns.Add(new TableColumns()
TableName = rdr.GetString(0),
ColumnName = rdr.GetString(1),
DataType = typeof(int),
return tableColumns;

private static List<TableContraint> GetAllConstraints(string connectionString)
var query = "" +
"tc.table_name AS primary_table_name, " +
"kcu.column_name AS primary_column_name, " +
"ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name, " +
"ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name " +
"FROM " +
"information_schema.table_constraints AS tc " +
"JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage " +
"AS kcu ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name " +
"JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage " +
"AS ccu ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name " +
"WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'";

var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString));
var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
var tableContraints = new List<TableContraint>();
while (rdr.Read())
tableContraints.Add(new TableContraint()
PrimaryKeyTableName = rdr.GetString(0),
PrimaryKeyColumnName = rdr.GetString(1),
ForeignKeyTableName = rdr.GetString(2),
ForeignKeyColumnName = rdr.GetString(3),
return tableContraints;

private static StiExportFormat GetStiExportFormat(ExportType exportType)
switch (exportType)
case ExportType.Pdf:
return StiExportFormat.Pdf;
case ExportType.Excel:
return StiExportFormat.Excel;
case ExportType.Doc:
return StiExportFormat.Word2007;
case ExportType.Csv:
return StiExportFormat.Csv;
return StiExportFormat.Pdf;

private static string GetMimeTypeByExportType(ExportType exportType)
switch (exportType)
case ExportType.Pdf:
return "application/pdf";
case ExportType.Excel:
return "application/";
case ExportType.Doc:
return "application/msword";
case ExportType.Csv:
return "text/csv";
return null;


public class TableColumns
public string TableName { get; set; }
public string ColumnName { get; set; }
public Type DataType { get; set; }

public class TableContraint
public string PrimaryKeyTableName { get; set; }
public string PrimaryKeyColumnName { get; set; }
public string ForeignKeyTableName { get; set; }
public string ForeignKeyColumnName { get; set; }
Lech Kulikowski
Posts: 6254
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:34 am

Re: In .net core, how to load an MRT file with Postgre and several relations?

Post by Lech Kulikowski »


It is difficult to say only by the provided code.

Please prepare and send us a sample project that we can run and reproduce the issue.

Thank you.
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