Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Stimulsoft Reports.Flex discussion
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Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Post by harshdeep »


We are using Stimulsoft Reports.Flex for viewing reports in our product. As per the latest news, that google will block Adobe Flash Player in chrome, what is the alternative solution for it? We are product based company and do have thousands of customers worldwide. Also, we have many reports so not possible to change immediately. Any alternative you can offer for your Flex Users?
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Re: Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Post by HighAley »


As we know such applications will not be blocked in Chrome.
Maybe you should enable some settings to enable Flash player.

As an alternative we could provide you our latest product -- Reports.JS.
The JavaScript language is used there. It works on the client side and could be run by node.js.
It supports mobile devices.

Thank you.
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Re: Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Post by harshdeep »

Will our all reports .mrt files be supported in js version? I mean we dont want to design all reports again.
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Re: Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Post by HighAley »


All your report templates should work.
Maybe some features are not supported in Reports.JS.
If you have such report please, write us and we will try to find a solution for you.

Thank you.
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Re: Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Post by harshdeep »


I have tried with one report. I noticed Flash version mrt's are XML based and JS version mrt's are json based. So when I try to open flash version mrt in Js version designer tool, it is opening. But when I try to do any changes with it, and saving it with Save option - There is no effect in reports display. When I try to save with Save As option - Then it is not allowing me to open that mrt again in js designer tool.
I noticed its not enough compatible to easily support all flash version mrts in js version mrts.

We are using XML format data in flash version. So by just changing data format to XML, report is displayed. But say I want to add one column or set some height /width to that report, its not reflecting.

Does this mean we need to design all mrt's again in js version? Its quite effort able and time consuming process for us.

Attached is one mrt and XML sample, you can try same from your end.
Looking forward for some solution from you.
This is the issue with this report and trying to resolve with JS designer, but I am facing some errors which I understand is flash version mrts are not fully supportable in Js version.
This is the issue with this report and trying to resolve with JS designer, but I am facing some errors which I understand is flash version mrts are not fully supportable in Js version.
display.png (31.56 KiB) Viewed 5565 times
This is our flash end mrt file where its data is in XML format
(114.38 KiB) Downloaded 442 times
This is our XML format data
(6.37 KiB) Downloaded 404 times
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Re: Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Post by HighAley »


If you want to go to the JS engine, it works with the JSON report temapltes. These templates are not supported by the Flash components.
You can go to the JS engine, but it will be not possible to open the reports in Flex components.

Sorry, but we can't open your report in Flex Designer. We don't get any error in JS designer.
Could you describe your issue more detailed?

Thank you.
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Re: Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Post by harshdeep »

I simply dont want to redesign all mrts in Js version. So I tried to place Flash designed mrts in Js version, it is opening but when I do any changes, it dint allow me to save report due to some unsupportable flex components. So what is the solution of it? Also, I am seeing some height issues during display, though I havent set any heights. Please guide.
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Re: Adobe Flash Player block in chrome

Post by HighAley »


You get the issue with height because of the Text121 component.
Please, try to set next option of the Designer.

Code: Select all

var options = new Stimulsoft.Designer.StiDesignerOptions();
options.appearance.htmlRenderMode = Stimulsoft.Report.Export.StiHtmlExportMode.Div;
Thank you.