The data on the red rectangle is the one coming from another node for example, let's say, "Car". Every "Car" has a "Brand" and a "Brand" has different kind of "Models". That's just an example of what are we trying to do, but simplified. Here's the XML relationship we actually have:
Code: Select all
<Concepto Cantidad="1" ClaveProdServ="36" ClaveUnidad="45" Descripcion="CAR" Importe="22.85" NoIdentificacion="BZC316" Unidad="Pieza" ValorUnitario="22.85">
<Traslado Base="22.85" Importe="1.83" Impuesto="002" TasaOCuota="0.080000" TipoFactor="Tasa"/>
But this is different when i try to render it on my program:
Is like if the relationship created to associate these 2 nodes is not being rendered or loaded. Here's how we generate the .PDF from the .MRT with the .XML file:
Code: Select all
StiXmlDatabase xmlDatabase = new StiXmlDatabase("xml", pathToXml);
StiReport renderReport;
renderReport = StiSerializeManager.deserializeReport(new File(pathToMrt));
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(pdfPath);
StiExportManager.exportPdf(renderReport, outputStream);
But i can't find anything on the documentation about this for Java, so i need to know how to solve this as this is the only thing peventing me from creating a new feature on a product. Thank's in advance.