How does this happen? Bug?

Stimulsoft Reports.PHP discussion
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Posts: 24
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How does this happen? Bug?

Post by brobar »

Since currency formatting like ({Format("{0:C}", quoteTable.projTotal)}) was not giving me comas in the output... I started employing the workaround you guys gave me which was to use ({Replace(Format("{0:C}", quoteTable.projTotal), " ", ",")}) instead. That has worked pretty well up until I found the following bug.

There is a value that is being pulled from my database which is 41428.57. When formatting it using the above example ({Replace(Format("{0:C}", quoteTable.projTotal), " ", ",")}) it spits out $41,428.56 (a penny less than what the total should be). I figured this might have something to do with the decimal rounding of the value pulled from the MySQL database so I tried it hard coded by doing this:
({Replace(Format("{0:C}", 41428.57), " ", ",")}) and lo and behold it STILL formats it as 41428.56. How does that happen? And the weird part is it doesn't do that with *every* number so it may be a tough bug to track down.

Here are a couple of screenshots and an example report.

This really puts us in a bind since the currency formatting isn't working like expected and the only workaround we have isn't working like expected either. hehe Hopefully you guys can get this fixed. Thanks.


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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:31 pm

How does this happen? Bug?

Post by brobar »

Guess all I needed to do was upgrade. I was using 2011.2.1002. I downloaded 2011.2.1006 and ran the same report and it works fine there. So disregard... I guess that bug was squashed in later versions. =)
Alex K.
Posts: 6488
Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:37 am

How does this happen? Bug?

Post by Alex K. »


Yes, this bug was fixed some week ago.
Let us know if you need any additional help.

Thank you.
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