Accessible on mobile devices?

Stimulsoft Reports.PHP discussion
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Accessible on mobile devices?

Post by brobar »

We already utilize your Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for PHP and think it is great. We however have now expanded our needs in some upcoming tools for reporting availability on mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Does any of your Stimulsoft packages produce reports without the need for a flash enabled browser? The majority of our company are all on iOS devices which we all know don't support FLASH... while the rest of the company are on smart phones and mobile devices that maybe a small percentage actually support FLASH and the ones that do really don't support it that well.

So I was just curious if there was mobile browser support without FLASH in any of your available products. If not... are there plans for that type of support in the future or are we always looking at only FLASH enabled browser support?

Thank you kindly,

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Accessible on mobile devices?

Post by Vladimir »


You can examine our product Stimulsoft Reports.Web, it contains a viewer based on HTML, which works correctly on the iPad and iPhone.

Thank you.
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